Having a cat brings such joy to our lives and is a treasured member of the family. You build a strong bond and love them with all your heart, even when they are misbehaving and causing trouble!
However, life can change very quickly and the loss of a fur baby is devastating to the whole family. I have experienced this very recently, after losing my handsome boy, Charlie on the 3rd December 2020. He went missing on Monday, 30th November, it was an anxious and worrying time plus totally out of character, so I knew something must have happened to him. A kind lady found him lying at the back of her garden in the hedgerow undergrowth in the evening of Thursday, 3rd December. She took him to Lamond Veterinary Clinic in Livingston, but sadly due to the extreme cold weather conditions that week, the vet couldn’t save him. I was inconsolable and sobbed for hours, absolutely heartbroken and still am. He was my world and life is just not the same without him. Each day it gets a little easier and hopefully the pain will ease over time.

You try to remember all the good times and you know you gave them the best life you could and they loved you unconditionally for it. Sadly though grief creeps up on you when you least expect it. You spot a toy under the sofa, the food bowl sat empty or their favourite bed lying in the corner of the room still with the indentation of where they slept.
Grieving for the loss of a pet, whether through death, parting or enforced separation can be a sad and difficult experience. Family and friends can be a great support during this time and there is also professional help out there too. It is good to talk about and remember your pets; they are such a big part of our lives. I’m sure, like me, you have hundreds of photos and videos on your phone to reminisce over, one good thing about today’s digital world!

I keep a few nice photos on display of my cats and it brings comfort to me to see them looking healthy and happy. I like to think all my precious fur babies are over the rainbow bridge playing together; care free and watching over me. RIP Ginger, Poppet and Charlie. Gone but you will never be forgotten and always in my heart.

I am here if anyone is struggling after losing a pet and as always I will take great care of your fur babies any time you are away. Alicat Purrfections cat sitting service in West Lothian is open for 2021 bookings and I have flexible T&C during these difficult and uncertain times with Covid19 https://alicatpurrfections.co.uk/alicat/booking-form/
If you have lost, or are facing saying goodbye to, a much loved pet and need somebody to talk to, Blue Cross offer a Pet Bereavement Support Service for you every day from 8.30am – 8.30pm 0800 096 6606 https://www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-bereavement-and-pet-loss
If you are looking for someone to take care of your pet, I can highly recommend Alex Baxter from iCare Pet Crem. Alex will take care of all the arrangements and gives you peace of mind your fur baby will be lovingly cared for at this difficult time. https://www.icarepetcrem.co.uk/