Running your own business can be challenging at times. Each new day can bring fun, excitement, learning but also despair, long hours and questioning oneself ‘why am I doing this?!’ It is not always easy to jump out of bed and head off in the cold mornings to complete my kitty cat rounds. Mental Health issues can often overshadow the delights of what is waiting for me. Struggling with your thoughts and feelings can make life difficult, especially when it’s your livelihood and cats are depending on you for food.
One of the reasons I moved away from the corporate world was due to burn out and my health was suffering. I wanted to do something rewarding, make a difference and include my one main passion, cats. I thoroughly enjoy meeting new clients and their beautiful cats; it makes me so happy when they engage with me. Cats are my world and for one main reason, having a cat is good for my health.
When days seem a little flat and I need a pick me up, I look for my fur baby, Charlie. Without fail, his cuddles and whiskery kisses give me the lift I need and the world doesn’t seem such a scary place after all. It doesn’t matter what kind of day I am having but I know once I walk through my client’s door and see their fur babies waiting to greet me. They put a smile on my face and make me feel so lucky that I get to work with these amazing animals every day.

There have been many studies in regards to the health benefits of owning a cat. I can definitely say for me, they are true. I know when I hear cats purring as I am petting their soft fur, the vibrations help to calm my nerves, reduce anxiety and relax me. Next time your cat is purring on your lap, just quietly listen to the rhythmic rhythm of it and the impact it has on you. Cats are truly amazing how they do this!
Hearing your cat purr can lower your blood pressure and the vibrations have been known to help cure people by improving bone strength, healing muscles and tendons injuries. My life and mental health would not be the same if I didn’t have cats in it and I truly appreciate having the opportunity to take care of lots of cats throughout West Lothian. Cats definitely have healing powers and they make the world a better place. I hope you agree.