
Is a Cat Sitter the best option for your cat?

Cats are home-loving, territorial creatures, so trying to find a way for your cat(s) to be looked after at home when you go away is an obvious choice. They’re unlikely to feel stressed if they are in their usual environment with its familiar scents, sights and sounds. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a cat-friendly acquaintance that’s happy to pop in to feed them, clean their litter tray, provide fresh water and give them some TLC!

However, how well do they know your cat and would they recognise if there is a change in their behaviour? Would they have a contingency plan in place if your cat is unwell or had an accident? How confident and reliable are they at taking care of your fur babies needs? Are you confident they will ensure the best care is given while you can’t be there for your cat?

Pet Sitter Cat Sitter Livingston

The next best alternative to a trusted friend, family member or neighbour is a professional cat sitter, who will offer drop-in visits to your home while you are away to care for your cat(s) in the comfort of their own home. As well as keeping an eye on your kitty cats and sending you regular updates; they will also water any houseplants, take the bins out/in and keep your home looking “lived-in” to deter burglars. This will give you peace of mind your home is safe & secure.

Alicat Purrfections cat sitting service in West Lothian offers such a service to you and your cat(s). You can expect ‘Auntie Ali’ to come to your house at least once a day to feed your furry friend, play with them, groom and clean out their litter tray. By using Alicat Purrfections services it means there is no disruption to their daily routines, so you return to very chilled, happy cats!

West Lothian Cat Sitting Service Pet Sitter

With years of cat sitting experience, animal care and first aid courses completed; your cat’s health and well-being is Alicat Purrfections top priority. Upon arrival at your home, the first thing that happens is to locate your cat(s) and observe them to ensure they are well. Time is taken to get to know your cat and its ‘normal’ behaviour. Therefore, any changes are instantly noticeable and raise concern resulting in further investigation. Emergency contact and Vet practice details are held on file in case of illness or accidents. Would your neighbour notice subtle changes and know what to do? Cats are very good at hiding if they are unwell or injured.


For peace of mind, you may decide to keep your cat indoors while you are away. Not only will this mean they are always there when the pet-sitter calls, but you will be more relaxed knowing that they are not getting into any trouble in the big outdoors.

Cat check sitter Bathgate West Lothian Cat Sitting

Alicat Purrfections is based in Livingston, West Lothian and covers all towns and villages in the area such as Bathgate, Murieston, Blackburn, East Calder, Kirknewton and Linlithgow. Customers are delighted with the professional, reliable service offered and often refer to me as a ‘cat whisperer’. Most cats, even the shy timid ones, will come and want fuss from their ‘Auntie Ali’. Please get in touch via the link or call 07904 209 696 if you would like to arrange a free consultation or have a chat about the service. I look forward to hearing from you and meeting your gorgeous cat(s).

Get In Touch

I am happy to discuss your requirements for the care of your cat when you can’t be there. I cover Livingston and all the surrounding towns & villages in West Lothian.